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We're proud to annouce that our Head of Quality Thana Subramanian is stepping up to become secretary of the 'ISPE Global GAMP Steering Committee'.
When he finishes Uni in 2024, Jack will be returning to take part in our new graduate scheme. We're so proud of Jack and the progress he’s made, we thought we'd share his thoughts on the positive impact the past year has had on his career aspirations.
This year we were super proud to sponsor the Ukrainian team at the Gothia Cup in partnership with Game4Ukraine.
Supporting our local community is something close to our hearts at Integrity. We work with several charities to help them continue the great work they do for people of all ages within our community.
For us, community isn’t just about people outside of our business, we believe it is important to create a community environment for our people too – making them feel part of the Integrity family and proud of what we do.