Our first placement year student, 'Jack Williams' has completed an exciting year of work experience with us. When he finishes Uni in 2024, Jack will be returning to take part in our new graduate scheme. We're so proud of Jack and the progress he’s made, we thought we'd share his thoughts on the positive impact the past year has had on his career aspirations.
Has your time with Integrity helped you develop over the past year?
Absolutely. Throughout the duration of my placement year with Integrity I have not only built on skills that have allowed me to adapt to a professional atmosphere but I have also learnt new skills relating to the industry.
What new skills have you learnt?
With a broad spectrum of topics covered, I have learnt a multitude of new skills relating to risk & compliance, project management, quality assurance and everything in between that allows for projects to complete successful cycles.
What support have you had?
The team around me have been extremely supportive and have enforced the idea that I should not hesitate to ask for help. This has therefore supported me tremendously in my growth, as well as easing the formation of professional relationships.
Did you have any industry experience?
Due to my background being that of purely Biology, with no previous experience of this industry, everything was extremely new to me. With the aforementioned support network coupled with practical learning experience, I have completed a range of tasks that before would possibly seem daunting.
What's next for you?
I am due to complete my last year at Uni before returning to Integrity in 2024. I am really looking forward to involving myself in multiple other projects in the future whilst developing my skills more and forming new relationships with individuals across the business.
The graduate scheme launched this year and we'll be looking for new recruits in 2024 - watch this space for news on how to apply.